The Best Is Yet To Be!

Geoffrey E L Bennett
Geoffrey E L Bennett knows suffering as his father suffered severe burns while undergoing open-heart surgery, and his wife had two brain tumours which were removed with part of her brain, resulting in dementia, paralysis and finally death. Bennett suffers from diabetes, cancer, heart pain (angina) and breathing problems. In addition, he fell and fractured his neck in two places, so he certainly understands pain and suffering.
He served in the Royal Army Medical Corps in Field Ambulance units and hospitals during the Malayan Emergency. Later, he served as Chaplain’s Assistant in a U.K hospital. Following his wife’s dementia, he questioned whether God was incompetent, weak, callous or non-existent, which resulted in his book.
He has a two-year Bible College Diploma, a teacher’s qualification in Ancient History and Religious Knowledge (with Merit), and two Degrees in Education (English Language and Literature with Honours). He also studied Anthropology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Geography, and Philosophy at Regina University, Canada. He took two courses in Baptist Practice and History and was accepted as a Baptist Minister. He has two sons and grandsons, and has remarried.
He refereed football (Soccer), taught archery, and ran three youth clubs. Now, Swimming, reading, studying, church activities, writing, joining social groups, visiting beach and countryside, and conversing with friends, are activities he loves.
Explore my Books
Does God Care?: War, Natural Calamity, Disaster, Disease, Plague, Birth Defects, Human and Animal Suffering?
“Does God Care?” seeks to find out if God is weak, uncaring, cruel or non-existent in a world where pain and suffering exist. How can earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, disease, birth defects, wars, famine and countless other events that cause millions of deaths, intense pain and mental suffering be part of a “loving God”?